domenica 27 aprile 2014

difficult, and possibly unpopular, profession

North Node Scorpio 10th House/ South Node Taurus 4th House

Becoming passionately involved in the uses and abuses of power in the outer world. Getting off your duff and making a difference in the world. No longer sitting on the comfy couch in your pajamas watching TV. No more “from the comfort of your own home.” Challenging yourself to learn about the power of authority. Allowing yourself to challenge authority – and your parents. Releasing an attachment to the status quo of how things are supposed to be done. Getting out of your comfortable private life to see what else is going on in the world. No longer being afraid to lose your home, your roots or your stability as you actively tangle with the outside world. Knowing that you have an inner reservoir of calm to draw upon when the world outside shifts into crisis. Getting intimately involved in the crisis of the larger world. Finding your source of power to make a difference. Becoming concerned with the kind of reputation you create based on your use or abuse of power. Learning how to hold a position of power, authority and control. Becoming seen as a person who is probing, difficult or mysterious – even if that makes you uncomfortable. Allowing yourself to rock the boat in your profession. Allowing yourself to be seen as having power. No longer playing it safe. Allowing yourself to cultivate an edgier, sexier, more confrontational public persona. Dealing with power struggles with your parents. Dealing with your deep desire to have a career that gives more than material security. Embracing a difficult, and possibly unpopular, profession.

domenica 13 aprile 2014


IOIOI – Matteo 17, 1-8 3” CD-R (2014)
Matteo 17:1-8
1 Sei giorni dopo, Gesù prese con sé Pietro, Giacomo e Giovanni suo fratello e li condusse in disparte, su un alto monte. 2 E fu trasfigurato davanti a loro; il suo volto brillò come il sole e le sue vesti divennero candide come la luce. 3 Ed ecco apparvero loro Mosè ed Elia, che conversavano con lui. 4 Pietro prese allora la parola e disse a Gesù: «Signore, è bello per noi restare qui; se vuoi, farò qui tre tende, una per te, una per Mosè e una per Elia». 5 Egli stava ancora parlando quando una nuvola luminosa li avvolse con la sua ombra. Ed ecco una voce che diceva: «Questi è il Figlio mio prediletto, nel quale mi sono compiaciuto. Ascoltatelo». 6 All’udire ciò, i discepoli caddero con la faccia a terra e furono presi da grande timore. 7 Ma Gesù si avvicinò e, toccatili, disse: «Alzatevi e non temete». 8 Sollevando gli occhi non videro più nessuno, se non Gesù solo.
envisioned* and recorded by IOIOI on 15th/16th March full moon, 2014, Italy
Released by Debila Records
Comes in home-made cardboard pockets. Each is unique.
Limited to 30 copies
Thanks Judo Boy
 R.I.P  Primoz

mercoledì 9 aprile 2014

V I S H N U (1966)

From 1959 through 1963 Hovhaness conducted a series of research trips to India, Hawaii, Japan and South Korea, investigating the ancient traditional musics of these nations and eventually integrating elements of these into his own compositions.